Our olive groves are located in the countryside of Filacciano, spread among the areas of “Fontanile”, “Vallette” and “Monti”. Their roots are firmly anchored to the rocky slopes, surrounded by the Tiber Valley, an area protected by national and European conservation initiatives.
It is undoubtedly a challenging terroir; however, these unique trees prefer it to the alluvial plains which they seem to guard from the hills towering above.
The permanence of incredibly ancient trees and the widespread presence of historic oil mills testify to the tradition that links this area to the cultivation of olives and oil production, dating back over two thousand years.
Our project stems from the desire to connect the skills we have acquired in the fields of marketing, agronomy and transformation processes with the age-old olive-growing tradition of the Tiber Valley.
The Romans learned cultivation techniques from the Etruscans who, in turn, had acquired the knowledge from the Greeks and Phoenicians.
In the Middle Ages, the olive tree made its way into the gardens of villages and monasteries. To this day, the olive groves in our area are still scattered throughout an extremely diverse rural landscape that is fascinating in terms of its varied nature.
These plantations do not lend themselves easily to intensive agriculture, and their upkeep requires an extraordinary level of commitment. At the same time, working in this context gives us the privilege of contributing to preserving a unique cultivation system of great historical and landscape value, ensuring the production of a high-quality raw material with a unique character.
Oil is a golden thread that binds every flavour and every ingredient
it is the orchestral conductor of all traditional Mediterranean recipes, but not all olive oils are equal.
Our extra virgin olive oil is the result of important decision, such as adopting cultivars originating from central Italy, the area where our land is located, choosing not to resort to the use of chemical products so as not to alter the quality and flavour of the fruit, and carefully selecting the olives and the processing methods.
When we extract the oil from the fruit of our trees, we repeat the magic of an ancient rite, guaranteeing safety and high-quality by using the most modern equipment available in a strictly controlled environment.
In addition to the expert hands and knowledge of the farmers, we have the expertise of professionals who are able to manage each stage of processing. They bring out the best of the unique characteristics of the olives that we see growing day by day on the branches of our trees, with love and patience.
Our extra virgin olive oil is the result of important decision, such as adopting cultivars originating from central Italy, the area where our land is located, choosing not to resort to the use of chemical products so as not to alter the quality and flavour of the fruit, and carefully selecting the olives and the processing methods.
When we extract the oil from the fruit of our trees, we repeat the magic of an ancient rite, guaranteeing safety and high-quality by using the most modern equipment available in a strictly controlled environment.
In addition to the expert hands and knowledge of the farmers, we have the expertise of professionals who are able to manage each stage of processing. They bring out the best of the unique characteristics of the olives that we see growing day by day on the branches of our trees, with love and patience.
Our “Solenti Clivi” extra virgin olive oil is a blend of some of the most representative cultivars of central Italy; when skilfully orchestrated, their various colours, scents and flavours create a harmonious and intricate symphony.
The delicate and pleasant notes of the Pendolino variety, the fruity notes of the Frantoio olives and the surprising balance between bitter and pungent notes of the Leccino olives come together in a tasty and delicate oil, suitable for garnishing hot and cold dishes, able to enhance their character without altering the flavours.
The elevated position of the olive groves helps the trees to breathe, allowing us to obtain a quality raw material that yields an oil rich in polyphenols and low in acidity.

Our all-natural farming method does not involve the use of chemicals and allows us to harvest healthy, wholesome fruits with a high nutritional value and rich in antioxidants.
Harvesting at the optimal point of ripeness, immediate milling and cold pressing allow us to maintain the nutritional and physical properties of our olives and to produce an oil that preserves all their precious goodness.
When you pour a golden drizzle of our oil, whether it is on a slice of bread or to garnish a refined gourmet dish, wherever you may be, you will find yourself sitting at our table.
Whenever you invite friends or relatives to a family dinner, you only offer the best. The oil we selected to offer to a wide audience of Italian taste lovers is the same one we proudly offer to our most welcome guests.
Our oil is available for purchase,
call +39 333 884 6327
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